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2024-05-17 14:43:32 网络

Lo Tsai-Chin oil painting works online exhibition



1. Oil paintings:
Dream and Reality Together



2. Oil paintings:
The Myth of Margaret



3. Oil paintings:
Gathering and dispersing Two Yiyi



4. Oil paintings:
Little Drops in My Heart



5. Oil paintings:
The Elephant of Distress



6. Oil paintings:
Weaving Autumn Poems



7. Oil paintings:
Days on Earth



8. Oil paintings:
I Think, Therefore I Am



9. Oil paintings:
Mirage Chagall



10. Oil paintings:
Love Without Boundaries



11. Oil paintings:
The Soul of a Soul



12. Oil paintings:
"You and I"



13. Oil paintings:
Soul Dance



14. Oil paintings:
"I Wish I were Birds in Heaven."



15. Oil paintings:
Leisurely Life



16. Oil paintings:
Soul Dance



17. Oil paintings:



18. Oil paintings:
No Self



19. Oil paintings:
Half Spirit, Half Soul
《半作靈 半作魂》



20. Oil paintings:
Deja Vu、The Return of the Swallow



Lo Tsai-Chin,born in 1953 in Dongshi District, central Taiwan, graduated from Tunghai University, majoring in Foreign Language. She serves as Honorary Chairman of the Taiwan-Mainland China Culture Unification Promotion Association, Honorary President of the Chinese Art News Network, and Vice President of the American International Cultural and Art Association in Los Angeles. Also, she works as a Visiting Professor at the Hong Kong School of Arts, and Honorary Doctorate at the International Emperor Shun Culture University in Hawaii. She is a renowned female painter active on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, who has held solo exhibitions at the China Art Museum and the Shanghai Art Museum. In addition to her dedication to painting, she actively promotes cultural and artistic exchanges between the two sides. Lo Tsai-Chin works are full of chaos and harmony in the tone of abstract art, intertwined with reality in illusions. In her paintings, there are dreamy scenes and bold brushstrokes transformed by her unique painting style, reflecting the infinite value and eternity of the life space.
Lo Tsai-Chin is deeply aware that artists are extremely lonely, but incredibly fulfilling in the bottom of their hearts. Whether it is joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, separation or reunion, her paintbrush accompanies her for the times and enriches life.
Since 1990, Lo Tsai-Chin has been active in the Taipei art circles and has held numerous exhibitions. Among them, there are classic exhibitions such as the solo exhibition for the "Los Angeles American International Cultural and Art Society", the twin solo exhibition for "Taipei City Government Celebrity Gallery Color Pens, Paintings, Father-Daughter Love", and the solo exhibition in "Taiwan Sun Yat-sen Memorial Museum". Later, she went to the mainland China, and held solo exhibitions smoothly at exhibition halls such as the National Museum of China, Shanghai Art Museum, Xu Beihong Memorial Museum, Lu Yanshao Art Academy, Ningbo Art Museum, and Wudang Museum. The most classic one is the solo exhibition titled "Stimulation and Ascension" held at the National Museum of China in 2004. The National Museum of China is an art exhibition hall long dreamed by painters from both sides and four regions. At that time, only a few painters from Taiwan held solo exhibitions there. As of today, Lo Tsai-Chin is the youngest Taiwanese painter and also the only female painter from Taiwan who held a solo exhibition at the National Museum of China. It fully shows the recognition and appreciation of the mainland art circles for her works.
Gaotang Lo Tsai-Chin Art Museum, opened in 2024 and located in the Gaotang County Calligraphy and Painting Cultural and Creative Industry Park, covers an area of 2570 square meters. It is divided into three floors, exhibiting 200 oil paintings created by Ms. Lo Tsai-Chin in different periods.

罗彩琴,1953 年生于台湾中部东势区,毕业于台湾台中东海大学外文系。台湾中国文化统一促进会荣誉理事长、 华人艺术新闻网荣誉社长、洛杉矶“美国国际文化艺术学会”副会长、香港艺专客座教授、夏威夷“International
Emperor Shun Culture University”荣 誉 博 士。是活跃于两岸的知名女画家,她曾于中国美术馆、上海美术馆举办个展,她除了全力画画外,并致力于两岸文化艺术 交流。在抽象艺术的基调中,罗彩琴的作品充满了浑沌与圆融,并在幻象中交织着真实。在她的笔下,梦幻的情境、 色彩奔放的笔触,由她独特的绘画风格,将其意向转化,体现出生命空间无限的价值与永恒。
从1990 年开始,罗彩琴便活跃于台北美术界,举办过无数次的展览,其中较经典的有“洛杉矶‘美国国际文化 艺术学会 五月画廊’”个展、“台北市政府名人画廊 彩笔·丹 青·父女情”双个展、“台湾中山纪念馆”个展等。随后她又 前往大陆,在“中国美术馆”、“上海美术馆”、“徐悲鸿纪 念馆”、“陆俨少艺术院”、“宁波美术馆”、“武当山博物馆” 等展馆,成功举办了个人画展。其中最为经典的则是 2004 年于中国美术馆举办的“激促与扬升”个展,中国美术馆是两岸四地、甚至是国际画家,梦寐以求的艺术展馆,当时在那里举办个展的台湾画家屈指可数,罗彩琴是目前在中 国美术馆举办个展的最年轻的台湾画家,时年五十,也是 目前台湾唯一的女画家,显见大陆艺术界对其作品的肯定与褒赏。

山东省聊城市高唐县罗彩琴美术馆于 2024 年开馆,坐落在高唐县书画文创产业园区内,面积为 2570 平方米,分为三层,展出罗彩琴老师不同时期油画作品 200 张。













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